Reducing Screen Time - Improving Dream Time
Reducing Screen Time - Improving Dream Time
Reducing Screen Time - Improving Dream Time
Reducing Screen Time - Improving Dream Time
Our stories are the realisation of a dream to provide parents with a choice. My own experiences of parenting brought many challenges and stimulating my daughter without endless hours of staring at the Television or computer was one such challenge. Over the years I visioned ways to attract her back to books, or at the very least a means to provide a similar experience. I explored audio tapes and podcasts, researched the content and the thoughts of other parents. In the end I realised there was a gap for something s little bit different and of interest to child and parent alike.
And thus the idea for stories packed with sound effects, of interest to a range of age groups, to be played whenever and whenever the need arose. But in addition to the story and sound effects I realised the character was key and the format of our stories was paramount. After contacting friends with the skills to bring the stories to life I set about finding a character. A conversation with my15 year old daughter chanced upon the popularity of Red Pandas and so our character was born - but then to the stories themselves and the recipe for stimulation. We listed a range of scenarios and set to work. As Paul experimented with story lines I divided the stories into sections.... to introduce a cliff hanger to maintain interest and stimulate expectation and possibilities. I soon realised the opportunity was with us to table questions at the close to encourage thought, feelings, emotions and potentially role play. Little did we know that the pupils in our local schools would respond so positively to the stories and piles of beautiful drawings were duly returned to us.
So here we proudly present series one for your enjoyment, available in online audio book stores (including Apple and Google) and libraries across the world. Please do feedback comments and suggestions as we look towards series two.
If you would like to write us a review please do contact us for access to our stories and don't forget to like our facebook page.
The Very First Outings Of Little Red Panda And His Family And Friends
Available on iTunes, Google and a range of other online audio book retailers and libraries.
Little Red Panda feels very lucky to be voiced by a seasoned Radio professional! From the first conversation about bringing Little Rd Panda to life, Paul's passion for the idea has shone through and the final product is rich with this enthusiasm.
Paul has been a big part of radio across the North West and further afield during an extensive career. Initially as a presenter, Paul went on to manage some of the biggest stations in North West England but remained true to his roots by continuing to provide voice services.
Paul has won a few awards along the way having presented on BBC Radio 1 and also a stint hosting BBC's flagship show in its heyday, ‘Top of the Pops’.
Jon has been an award winning audio producer since 2003 who is passionate about high quality results.
Jon started his career at Signal Radio in their commercial production team producing radio adverts and content for some of the largest radio stations in the country including the national brand talkSPORT.
Jon brings our special effects to life with 15 years’ experience as a freelance Sponsorship & Promotions audio producer, producing creative promo trials for radio promotions for UTV, Wireless (News UK & Ireland) and more recently Bauer Media & Audio.
The quality of our stories also benefits from Jon’s voiceover and production responsibilities for Gov Radio Ltd where he produces commercials and audio content for their network of internal broadcast systems in public buildings.
There is no end to Jon’s talents with 17 years of presenting of a daily radio show on a commercial radio station in the North West of England for 17 years.
Little Red Panda is in good hands as Jon’s many talents are rounded off with many years of event hosting including large events such as the world-renowned Crufts.
Maybe Jon will be seen hosting a show for Red Panda’s in the future!
Phill formed the original idea for the stories in response to experiences as a father of a young child and seeing the strong influence of technology in modern life.
Phill has held technology roles for over 30 years with the last 16 years in healthcare. Phill has become increasingly interested in the effects of over stimulating visual tech on a child's developing imagination and decided to act. A conversation with his daughter soon identified the perfect character and shortly afterwards Little Red Panda was born.
Phill is proud to have born a reliable story structure that allows technology to nurture rich imaginations to create their own images and emotions, encouraged by energetic narrative, exciting stereo sound effects and most importantly challenging the listener to consider the situations for themselves - all whilst at home or elsewhere.
Phill is grateful for the high levels of professionalism brought by Paul and Jon and he know Little Rd Panda is too!
Having received excellent feedback Phill is passionate about pushing forward with further series of the Little Red Panda stories that are already proving popular as far afield as Australia and USA.
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